Review Process

The JMI applies a double-blind review process. The author(s) and the reviewers of the submitted manuscript remain anonymous in order to guarantee the impartiality and fairness of the review.

At first, the submitted manuscript is initially reviewed by the editor to verify (1) no plagiarism exists, (2) the suitability of the manuscript (topic and template). The manuscript that is considered unsuited will be rejected, while the suitable one (without any author(s)' personal contact information) will be sent to two independent reviewers for further assessments. Based on the reviewers’ assessments and comments, the Editor in Chief will make a final decision for the manuscript.

There are four types of recommendation reviewers can make within 14-28 days of reviewing:

  1. Revision required, means minor revision. It requires the authors to revise the manuscript as needed within a limited time
  2. Resubmit, means major revision. The authors can resubmit the improved manuscript as the new manuscript.
  3. Accepted, means the manuscript can be published directly.
  4. Rejected, means the manuscript is not suitable to be published in the JMI.

Based on the reviewer’s recommendation, the editor makes the editorial decision that will be notified to author(s) by the JMI system (Letter of Acceptance will be sent for the accepted manuscript). Next, the author(s) must submit the Copyright Transfer Agreement by the JMI system.