The Impact of Exposure to Online Advertising on The Intention to Download Online Loan Applications Among Young Adults (18-27 Years) in Indonesia
Online Loans, Online Lending, Internet Advertising, Young Adults, Advertisement Value, Perceived Risk, Trust, Inspire-to-BehaviorAbstract
This study examines the impact of online loan advertisements on the behavior of Generation Z (Gen-Z) in Indonesia, specifically their propensity to download loan applications. Data from Gen-Z individuals aged 18-27 were analyzed using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to evaluate the effects of informativeness, entertainment, irritation, and incentives on advertisement value. Findings show that these advertising elements, especially incentives, significantly influence inspire-to behavior. Mediating factors such as advertisement value, perceived risk, and trust also play a significant role. The respondent profile indicates a majority of males, Bachelor's degree holders, and students. The study suggests that enhancing marketing strategies in the online loan sector requires understanding the factors influencing Gen-Z's decisions. It also highlights the importance of reducing unacceptable advertising elements. Future research should consider a more diverse sample and updated theoretical models. This study contributes to digital marketing and consumer behavior literature, providing insights for more effective and responsible online loan advertising in Indonesia.
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