Intention to Purchase Luxury Products: Risk Issues in Online Shopping
Purchase Intention, Website Quality, Risk Propensity, Perceived RiskAbstract
The main objective of this study is to examine the effects of website quality, consumer perceived risk, money-back guarantees, quality labels, and risk-taking tendencies on consumers' intention to shop for luxury goods. Data were collected by distributing survey questionnaires online. Data from 249 questionnaires were obtained using a nonprobability sampling technique. Respondents were users of a luxury product website in Indonesia. Furthermore, eight hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) with the AMOS 26 application. This study yielded four main findings: (i) quality labels, money-back guarantees, website quality, and risk-taking were shown to directly influence consumers' perceived risk; (ii) website quality is the dimension that most strongly influences consumers' perceived risk; (iii) money-back guarantees and website quality do not directly influence online shopping intentions; and (iv) consumer-perceived quality and risk labels have been shown to directly influence consumers' intention to buy luxury brands online. This study provides a new and significant contribution because it was conducted in an emerging country. In addition, this study succeeded in obtaining interesting findings in which risk-taking tendencies have been shown to directly influence consumers' perceived risk. Website quality has also been shown to be the strongest determinant of risk perceived by luxury consumers.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Pascalis Kevin, Ranny Marcella Hendrawan, Handyanto Widjojo, Alexander Joseph Ibnu Wibowo

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